Tuesday, May 19, 2009

so i walked outside and here's what i saw...

I had trouble sleeping last night. Actually, it was this morning around 430 when I got out of bed. It was getting light out so I figured a bike-ride in search of sunrise was in order.  I'm pretty sure I live in the most beautiful city -- if not THE, certainly ONE OF THE.  Enjoy. 


  1. there's something so insanely mind boggling about that particular location in vancouver. I took a lot of pictures of the same spot, because the two totally different types of water so close to each other are so beautiful on their own, and beside each other, they just f*** with your senses!

    nice photos, gramps.

  2. it's true. the pool looks prettier in an MTV aesthetics sort of way, but somehow the harbour still seems way more like an old friend.
