Friday, June 12, 2009

saweeeeeet !

Hello Friends, 
Well, Gramps is now up at "Kellermans" and it has been great so far.  Apparently we brought the good weather with us since this is the first time it has been sunny and hot in 3 weeks. This, of course, is an ideal environment if you're trying to run a tennis camp for 14 women.  

Speaking of was day one. Overall, very good. The trouble with these is that some people are pretty hardcore about playing/learning, others are more hardcore about socializing.  If you've never seen a woman have a full on convo about her kids' private schooling while playing tennis, you should check out this camp.  You need to pull those people a little in the direction you want but watch out; a little too much and they start badmouthing you all over the Bay.  

Speaking of water... a friend of mine is also coming up to help this weekend but isn't getting here til after dark.  The little "crash boat" with which I was planning on collecting him is not in the water yet.  Luckily S came to the rescue and has leant me her beautiful 20ft Boston Whaler.  Yikes!   1) I don't normally drive boats at night; 2) this is a really expensive boat.  The crash boat was good mainly because, well, it's no big deal if you crash it.  S said "hey, if you hit a rock, it's only a boat." but I feel a little nervous.  The fact that she has 7 more on her island eases that pain a little.  Well, off to watch some hockey.  I leave you with some video about boating...

1 comment:

  1. you getting badmouthed yet?

    lucky boy re: the big boat!

    S is very nice.
