Friday, September 18, 2009

discipline day twooooo

So, on my second day of trying to be more disciplined I almost failed.  Well, technically, I am still half way to failing.  After a very fun night out last night to our good friends B&D’s new house -- which, incidentally is ridiculously gorgeous -- I was a little slow getting up this morning.  And since Grandma and I are going on a little camping trip for the weekend, there was a mad rush to pack up the gear and get to class in time.  So, Dear Readers, today I write this brief entry from geography 112 having not done any push-ups or sit-ups.  weak.   

  School is going well (though math still leaves my head spinning a little bit).  Work starts up again next week and I have to say that I’m pretty pumped about getting back.  There was some upsetting news this week when I found out that a friend and colleague of mine from Ontario has just had sexual assault (harassment?) charges brought forward against him.  This is now the second person that I have worked with who apparently cant keep his hands to himself.   geez. 

Well, that’s all for now. I have to get back to learning about the earth. I have become that annoying guy (and I’m the only one in my class of 40 doing it) that takes notes on his laptop. It lets me keep my notes neat and tidy, keeps them in the same spot (Grandma is patient with me, but she does not like it when my papers get all over the house), and I can write to you. 

If you want to play a fun game, go here

1 comment:

  1. you're such a nyerrd. i love it. yay discipline! i too am weaker than i'd like these days. i'll do those sit ups and push ups with you (only i'll do two thirds less to compensate for the fact that i'm starting waaaaay behind you, and probably on a different 12 hour cycle). in other news, my wii fitness is on the increase. yeahh.
