Thursday, September 17, 2009

a new leaf and whatnot

hello kiddies. So, the two or three of you who might, on occasion, read this meagre little blog, might be a little surprised to see something here.  Really, I have been terrible at keeping up and making regular posts. This is not so much a commentary on my relationship with the blogonet but it is indicative of a deeper and more vexing issue that I have...a complete and utter lack of discipline.  

I am not very good at doing un-fun things -- especially when an alternative is at hand. I'm terrible at delaying gratification and I am very good at distracting myself. As anyone who was around me during grad school days, need I remind you of how loooooong it took me to get a stupid thesis written.  

In any event, I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and this blog will be both a means of doing so and a way of recording my progress (or lack thereof).  The two exercises that I will undertake to build some discipline will be a) contribute to this blog every day; b) do 100 push ups and 100 sit ups every morning (I have been getting a little softer than I'd like lately). 

I have already done both of these things today. So, you should be able to check this space regularly and there will be some NEW CONTENT!!


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